Hey Movie Lovers !!!
The Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit needs your help. For our April Movie Night, we are asking for some ‘audience participation’.
This time, we aren’t going to ask you to get up and speak in front of the crowd, show off your “outfit' , do a dance or sing a song! This time… we want you to work with our committee for a few hours. This time, we want you to ‘PICK THE MOVIE’.
That’s right…. we want you to select our Feature Presentation film for our April event.
Join us for “U-Pick the Flick!”
Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit is a member of the Toronto International Film Festival Film Circuit, Here’s how it will work — the committee has been in touch with our movie coordinator at TIFF and has received a selection of films to choose from that are available from the movie distributors. TIFF FC provides us with a movie synopsis that helps us get an idea of what the story is about (click on each film title for a link to this information). Here are the 5 selection choices available to us for the month of April:
… . our Series Programmer has put together a YouTube playlist of the trailers for each of the 5 films that are up for review. Click here to watch.
We have also curated some additional resource material (which you will find on this playlist). It contains interviews with the filmmakers and actors about each film. Click here to watch additional reference.
A couple of tips from the Committee: We will often read Film Critic Reviews from sites like Roger Ebert and Rotten Tomatoes and our members will sometimes do a Google search of the film name or filmmakers to find out as much about each movie as they possibly can before they make a decision. Have fun researching.
It’s your turn to make a decision now. Click here to cast your ballot.
On March 14th, ballots will be collected, and we will make an official announcement of ‘your’ selection on the Films by the Falls website, our Facebook and Instagram pages, in the Town Crier and during our March screening of “Kayak to Klemtu” on March 26th.
The survey link has been circulated in a newsletter sent out on March 3rd. Haven’t signed up for our newsletter? Click here.